Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bruce Lee's One Liner from India

1) What is Bruce Lee's favorite dog? Ju Lee

2) What is Bruce Lee's favorite vegetable? Mu Lee

3) Which Indian is the greatest fan of Bruce Lee? Malaya Lee

4) What does Bruce Lee like to have for lunch ? Tha Lee

5) What happens to the theatre once a Bruce Lee movie is over ? Kha Lee

6) Which is Bruce Lee's favorite hindi movie? Mawaa Lee

7) Bruce Lee's favorite food Id Lee

8) Bruce Lee's favorite festivals Diwa Lee and Ho Lee

9) Bruce Lee's favorite holiday spot Mana Lee

10) Bruce Lee's favorite tree Im Lee

11) Bruce Lee's favourite Actress Sona lee

12) Bruce Lee's favourite Music Qawa lee

13) What is Bruce Lee's most interesting job? Coo Lee

14) How did Bruce Lee die? with a Go Lee

15) What is the name of Bruce Lee's gardener ? Maa Lee

16) What does Bruce Lee get from his wife ? Gaa Lee

17) What is Bruce Lee's favorite ride ? Do Lee

18) Who is Bruce Lee's favorite cricketer? Kamb Lee

19) When Bruce Lee kicks, who makes the loudest noise? Taa Lee

20) Bruce Lee's front garden is called: Hariya Lee

21) Bruce Lee's window opening security system is called: Ja Lee

22) Bruce Lee's yellow coloured loo is called: Pee Lee

23) Bruce Lee's favorite perch (hang-out) is called: Da Lee

24) What is Bruce Lee's sister-in-law's name ? Saa Lee

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